关于学生保、 旅游保险理赔流程 ,通过Allianz Global Assistance提交旅行保险索赔非常简单,感谢我们的在线索赔门户。这是一个更加顺畅、高效的体验,可以在索赔过程的每个阶段都保持您的信息更新。

Filing a travel insurance claim with Allianz Global Assistance is easy thanks to our online claims portal. A smoother, more efficient experience, that keeps you informed at each stage of your claims journey.

Features and benefits

This user-friendly portal enables you to:

• Enjoy a quicker, easier claims submission

• Create a secure account

• Upload all necessary documents

• Identify any documents you may have missed

• Save and return to a claim not yet submitted

• Check the status of your claim



• 快速、简便地提交索赔

• 创建安全账户

• 上传所有必要文件

• 检查是否遗漏任何文件

• 保存并返回尚未提交的索赔

• 查询您的索赔状态

Submitting your claim 提交您的理赔

Claims for all products and benefits can be submitted online. Get started by visiting allianzassistanceclaims.ca.


学生保险、旅游保险理赔流程 之 Claim Form 理赔表格

Attention 注意

If your plan includes medical benefits, it’s important to call Allianz Global Assistance before seeking treatment. Our team will provide you with a referral to an appropriate healthcare provider, arrange billing on your behalf whenever possible, and advise you of important information related to the claims process. In a serious medical emergency, you should go to a hospital and have a family member or friend call Allianz on your behalf once you are at the facility.

如果您的计划包括医疗保险权益,在就医前请务必先联系Allianz Global Assistance。我们的团队将为您提供合适的医疗服务提供者推荐,尽可能代您安排账单,并告知您与索赔过程相关的重要信息。在遇到严重的医疗紧急情况时,请前往医院,并请家人或朋友在您到达医疗机构后代您拨打Allianz的电话。

