【2024最新】 加拿大毕业生保险 | 加拿大留学生保险

加拿大毕业生保险 、加拿大留学生保险 适用于全日制的加拿大留学生、完成学业一年内并且会从事相关专业工作的学生和留学生的配偶或子女。在留学生保险UHIP过期之前买上毕业生保险,确保无缝衔接。


1. 加拿大毕业生保险 多少钱?保多少保额?


2. 毕业生保险保什么?现在身体已经生病了可以保吗?医生让我过几天做X光\验血\B超等等可以保吗?

加拿大毕业生保险 跟其他保险都一样,只保障未来发生的意外,比如感冒发烧磕磕碰碰等。目前已经生病,才来买保险,保险公司肯定不会给理赔的。人的保险跟车的保险一样,不能等到车坏了才想起买保险。详情请参考下方英文介绍原件。

3. 留学生保险包括牙医吗?




4. 如何购买?需要买多久?

直接联系我们,添加我微信 wukunze23 ,提供给我个人信息即可购买。买多久自己决定,比如12月23日买到明年5月8日都可以。如果你是毕业生,你最多买到你完成学业后的一年。

5. 如果中途有事回国,或者提前拿到健康卡OHIP,可以退款吗?


6. 加拿大毕业生保险 如何理赔 ?

如果万一发生任何紧急意外,请立即就医。并同时打电话给保险公司建档 18009951662,如果无法联系上,请拨打4163400049。然后根据保险公司的指示进行下一步的操作。

While studying in Canada, government health care plans might not be available to you. And we know that health care costs can be expensive if you’re not covered under a Canadian government health insurance plan. An International Students to Canada Travel insurance policy can help you stay protected and safeguard your finances.

Maximum coverage amount $5 million
Emergency Hospitalup to sum insured
Emergency Medical Includes:
• Physician/Surgeon/Anesthetist
• Diagnostics/lab tests and x-ray examinations
• Ambulance, Registered nurse and Rental of medical equipment
(covered up to a combined maximum of $10,000)
up to sum insured
Professional Services Includes:
• legally licensed chiropractor; osteopath;
podiatrist/chiropodist; naturopath;
acupuncturist; physiotherapist
up to $600 per practitioner/ 12 month period
Drugs or Medicationsup to a 30-day supply
Maternity Benefitup to $1,000 per 12 month period
Eye Examination1 per 12 month period
Physical Examination1 per 12 month period up to $250
Emergency Transportation/Return Homeup to sum insured
Transportation of Family or Friendup to $5,000
Dental Accidentup to $5,000
Dental EmergenciesDental Emergencies
Dental EmergenciesDental Emergencies
Return of Deceasedup to $15,000
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
• includes Exposure and Disappearance
up to $15,000
Tutorial Services$20/hour up to $500

Ideal for international students to Canada who:

• Are registered full-time in a Canadian school, college, university or accredited educational institution

• Are temporary residents of Canada without any government health care coverage

• Have completed their studies and remain in Canada up to a year afterwards to work in the field of their studies

• Would like coverage under their policy for their spouse and dependents living with them

Features and benefits:

• Affordable all-in-one hospital, medical and extended health care solution

• Pre-existing conditions are covered if stable for 90 days

• Costs incurred outside of Canada are covered provided the majority of the period of coverage is spent in Canada

• Trips to the United States are limited to 30 days per period of coverage

24/7 Emergency Care and Assistance

Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year to help:

• Refer you to the most appropriate medical care in Canada based on your unique healthcare needs

• Connect you with an MD via video or teleconference when appropriate

• Closely monitor your treatment plans to ensure you’re receiving the right level of care

• Arrange payment whenever possible, so you can avoid outof-pocket expenses

• Coordinate arrangements for your safe return home if necessary

Connecting you to the care you deserve.

Click here for what to do in case of an emergency and when you arrive at a medical facility. Find a list of recommended medical facilities in Canada.

Online Claims Portal

For faster processing, submit your international student’s insurance claim online and check your status.

Go to: www.allianzassistanceclaims.ca